Wow it's been

Wow, it's been a while without updates. Ya know, for me.

Friday after work was our Bowl-O-Rama, where I won a lottery ticket and bowled pretty darn well, if I do say so myself. Then I went to dinner with Sarah, Robert, Mom, Dad, Jack, Peter, and Angie. Then I went to dinner with Kristi, Brandon, Polk, and Jessica. Then I think I went to bed. EDIT - That's not true. I somehow forgot that on Friday night, my good buddy Brian called me and he and I headed to John's house for a movie, some beer, and some conversation.

Saturday Angie and I ran a bunch of errands and did some shopping. That night I had a couple drinks with Angie and Brynn.

Yesterday was the big Super Bowl day. I helped Alan do some shopping and did what I could to help prepare, although I'm not great in the kitchen and even worse at cleaning. I drank some beers, ate a ton of food, and stayed later than I probably should have. Today I'm tired, a little hungover, possibly a little sick, and just really wanting to go home and watch TV in my pajamas.

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