I forgot my
I forgot my cell phone today and I feel naked without it. I never thought I'd end up so attached to the silly thing.
Still no word on Jaimee's broken car, but here's a few words on the state of our kitchen: Friggin' awesome. A few cabinets are still unhung while the paint dries and most cabinets will need a bit of touching up, but overall, the kitchen looks roughly 10,000 times better. Yesterday I put in all the new hardware and put up a few new hooks to hang crap on. The whole house is looking much better, if I do say so myself.
Since Brandon asked for it, I'd like to geek it up Wolford style and make some comments on The Inferno.
I hate Coral for being all "I don't want to go up against Veronica" after she was the main one who was all "Julie, you WILL go up against Veronica" earlier in the season. What a hypocrit.
CT rocks. He'll win, I bet.
I wish Dave would have beat Katie. Dave has been one of my favorite cast members since his season.
It seems unlikely that Katie will throw the final competition, but I do think she'll be the slowest and may lose it for her team.
I think calling it the finale last night was crap, and calling next week "the continuation of the finale" is retarded.
That'll do it.