I just got
I just got done with the big drum sander. My nose is full of sawdust and it feels all weird. I keep picking it, and get huge handfuls of sticky, nasty dust. It's really disgusting. Have I mentioned I hate redoing hardwood floors?
So, I was going to return the big sanders to the rental place, then go pick up Winnie and take about a half hour break. I was really looking forward to it, since I haven't really had any kind of a break in about 4 days. Then I saw that Winnie had shat herself again. So I spent my break trying not to puke while cleaning up a bunch of dog shit. I fucking hate life. My day has consisted of trying to get sawdust out of my nose and cleaning up dog shit on my hands and knees. I don't want to work on the house tonight. But I will.