My stupid friends.
Okay, it's come to my attention that I do nothing but bitch about my stupid friends in this here journal. I don't want to do that, because my friends are really great. So, this is a feel good post, listing some of my friends, and their better qualities. I try to draw inspiration from my friends, to see what I do and don't want to be like. So far you've been reading about how I don't want to be, so this will be how I DO want to be like them.
Mullens, who I probably bitch about the most. A tad inconsiderate and cocky (a Marine, what do you expect?), but also such a great guy. He's the type I can rely on for anything, from loaning me money to helping me move, to helping me fix a flat tire in the freezing cold at 4 in the morning.
Fabish, who I don't bitch about much, because I don't really see him much. I grew up with the kid, so we have very similar senses of humor and ideas of entertainment. He's taught me that you can joke around, and still be very sincere at the same time. You don't have to give up your humor to be serious. Also, he's taught me that good friends should be able to go from stupid jokes to very serious conversation very quickly, without skipping a beat. Me and him have this mastered.
Angie. I love her motherly consideration for everyone. Sure, it can be overwhelming sometimes, but it's something I hope to be more like in the future. Always considerate to people's feelings, always comforting to people when they need it, and does things for people because she likes to do them.
Stephanie, who I don't think I've ever bitched about, and with good reason. She's the absolute best listener on earth, and will always give advice that 1. I know she would do herself and 2. is completely unbiased in every way. She's friendly under any circumstance, and doesn't let things get her down. She knows when people need her to be there, and will go out of her way to be there for them. I remember when I was feeling like shit in Chicago one night, and she stayed up until the wee hours of the morning talking to me about my problems.
Brice, who I've been bitching about constantly lately. He's a really laid back guy, who doesn't let anything get to him. He laughs at his $65,000 debt, and doesn't let it bother him. His strength to move away from Alaska, and to drop out of school after realizing what he was doing wasn't making him happy is very inspirational to me.
So, there it is. Hopefully this will help people understand why I bother putting up with their nonsense. There's a lot of substance underneath those annoyances, and they all have traits that I'm hoping will rub off on me. Eventually.