new design
Well, the first big obstacle in my way to making source code fully distributible has been tackled now. That is, elminating the "mess" of the code and making it rely heavily (that is, hugely heavily) on 1 style sheet. If you view the source code of this site, you'll see no (well, some that will soon be deleted) tables, and not even an image tag unless I could absolutely not help it. It all relies on a style sheet, which can be updated to change the look of the entire site all at once with no tinkering of the PHP. It was a major hurdle for a PHP/CSS newbie, but I managed.
Also, I noticed I never get comments. Ever. So I've made the process easier for everyone, using some javascript to simply hide the comment form that can be revealed with a click of the clink. No extra pages to load or hassles or excuses. Just fill out the form (you don't even have to enter a name or email address if you don't want to) and hit submit. Easy as pie.
In the next few days, I'm going to be reformatting some of the "secondary" pages, like the comment added page and login/registration pages. In the meantime, I'd appreciate getting some comments to see if everything is getting posted/displayed correctly. Even if you don't have anything interesting to say, a comment would be appreciated (as I say to my 0 readers).