Okay so the
Okay, so the mural meeting at Sully's didn't happen. It happens tomorrow morning instead.
My house. It's all up in the air. The current owner is being a shitfuck, and I don't know if I'll end up getting it or not. I really just need to get a hold of her, shake her, and get some answers. Unfortunately, she's very hard to reach.
My comic. Doing well. 0 pages left to pencil. 4 pages left to ink. 21 pages left to scan. 22 pages left to script. I hope to have it finished over the weekend, then spend a few days with my submission requirements, then send it in by the end of next week.
The wedding. The wedding is on Saturday. I go up for the rehearsal on Friday. I cut off all my facial hair and got a real haircut in preperation.
On Monday I went to Angie's to eat dinner with her and Alan. I got way, way drunk. I blame Alan for that. It was fun, though.