Oy. So. I

Oy. So. I don't know what just happened.

I went to Pudik and talked to the owner of the company, who told me that if he had it his way, he would make me an offer today and have me start tomorrow. Unfortunately, they're too busy to hire someone new. Sort of a catch-22, I guess.... too much work means not enough employees to have someone free to show me the ropes. I just sort of need to learn the chain of command... who to report to, where to get the projects from, who to give them to, who to ask questions, how the network is set up, ya know, those business things that you just need someone to show you.

Then he launched into a speech about Iona, and freelancing, and how they were different from Pudik, and made sure that I could adjust to the different environment. I assured him it wouldn't be an issue, and he seemed satisfied with that. He ended by saying that he needed to talk to the creative director and account managers to find someone who could take some time to teach me what I need to be taught. He said he'd call back next week, make me an offer, and have a start date in mind. As it is now, he's sure I'm hired, he just doesn't know when I'll start.

And, I think they're going to hire all 3 of us who made it to the final round. He already hired a graphic designer and she started yesterday. He mentioned needing to have the same talk with the other illustrator candidate. It'll be good to not be the only new guy starting out.

Imagine, me, employed. Weird.

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