Project TIM version .1
I'm currently working on my first-ever PHP script that will be distributed freely over the interweb. It's also worth noting that it's my first ever PHP script written from (almost) scratch. Below is a partial list of features to be included in version .1, release date unknown.
- fully operational moblog courtest of mafia, featuring comments.
- photo gallery courtest of LGR Photo gallery, featuring comments.
- blog with categories, comments, and LJ syndication out of the box.
- user registration for easier commenting.
- "add a page" feature, to add static pages that are easily updated via an easy web-interface.
Version .1 isn't too far from release. I still need to beef up security to the admin sections, as well as add commenting/editing ability to the blog entries. PHP and mySQL will be required to make this work on your own servers.