Slacking on my blogging
First off, let me just say how much this sucks. With that out of the way, let's play a bit of catch-up on my exciting life, shall we?
Okay, so I went back to Chicago this weekend. It was a city I called home for just over 2 years, and although I was ecstatic to leave it, its always nice to go back and visit the old neighborhood and see what's changed. It was a rushed visit with a lot of traffic fighting, but it was a lot of fun to see everyone at the bachelor party I attended there.
Sunday I worked on my dad's new website, then spent a few hours lounging around doing nothing. Angie came over and we watched some Family Guy and ordered some pizza. Monday I worked, then ate Lean Cuisines with Angie and took a 4 mile run down on the river trails. Last night I was in an awful mood from work, so I took a bit of a drive to cool off. I had to stop by FedEx near the airport, so I delivered Alan some Taco Bell and hung out with him for a little while. On my way home, I stopped by Angie's to deliver her replacement battery I had just picked up from FedEx before heading home to run another 4 miles and lift some weights.
And now we're all caught up. Tonight I get to eat a free steak dinner. Tomorrow I think we're play poker again. The next day Dukes of Hazzard opens up. It's a big few days.