So I'm awake

So I'm awake now.

As I mentioned, the work went really, really fast. I was expecting it to take in the neighborhood of 8 or 9 hours. It took about 3. Plus, he switched mural locations, so I ended up painting bigger and more than I thought I was going to, so my cost went up. I made so much money last night, it's ridiculous. He seems pretty excited about doing more murals around the restaurant, so hopefully this will lead to something else.

Because I got done so early, I got to join Angie, Alan, and Brynn for drinks. Alan left pretty quickly to go work for some guy, so I just hung out with the remaining party. It was fun times. There's always a lot of cops at Jimmy's, and one seemed really interested in talking to Brynn. I took the opportunity to ask all sorts of questions, like if cops would do anything about my expired plates, how fast you have to go over the limit to be pulled over, the "quota" myth.

For the record, cops in Peoria absolutely have a quota. The guy at my driving classes lied to me.

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