Year in Review: 2006
Okay, so 2006 is officially and 2007 is underway. I realize this little blog has kind of turned into a mopefest lately, despite my best attempts to hold off on my bitching and moaning as much as I can. But recapping 2006 will mean basically a lot of complaining. But recap I will.
2006 was one of the worst years I can remember in a long, long time, I think topped only by my last year in college. This year I lost 3 of my closest, dearest friends. One moved across the country and I'm totally happy for him, but that doesn't stop me from missing the shit out of him. The other 2 were lost in one of the worst ways you can imagine, and their departure from my life made me extremely lonely, depressed, anxious, insecure, jealous, angry, etc. etc. etc. I tried my best not to dwell on these feelings and for the most part, I think I've done fairly well at it.
But still, that was by far the most significant thing to happen to me in 2006, and I spent the remainder of the year trying to turn a really awful situation into a really good one, spending more time with my remaining friends and dating again and meeting new people and starting more projects.
In addition to the issues in my social and personal life, my family was hit pretty hard with some pretty serious, completely unrelated issues. It helped me put my own issues into some better perspective and dwell less on my own problems, but it still registered as a big fat black mark on my 2006.
So I can't say I was too sad to see the end of 2006. My life has been on a steady incline up for the past few months, and I'm absolutely determined to continue that climb into 2007 and beyond.
So 2007 will be better, I'm sure. I've got some good, fun side projects that I love working on and are getting me some recognition. I've got a new car, new part time job, more responsibilities at my current job, more vacation time, and, hopefully, a more positive outlook as I close that whole chapter of my life. Fingers crossed.