Yesterday morning I
Yesterday morning I was on the phone to Alan, getting our act together so I could help him paint his house. Towards the end of the conversation, he told me to go to my living room window and look into his house. I followed his orders, only to look over and see Emily flashing me. It was at that point I realized that living next door to Alan will be the greatest thing to ever happen in my life, ever.
So I headed over and helped Alan paint a room. At 2:00, Angie picked us up and dragged me, Alan, and Mullens out to Kickapoo for a sausage supper something or other. All I know is that Alan paid for me since I helped paint his room and it was all-you-can-eat, so I ate a ton.
Angie dropped all of us off at our respective houses, and I went over to sit around with Alan for a bit. Then it was time for White Noise with Wolfie.
Overall, I really enjoyed this movie. Until the end.
I think that when doing a supernatural horror of any sort, you have to be really careful to not mix genres. This movie wasn't careful enough. Allow me to explain.
Electronic Voice Phenomenon is something that a few crazies believe, so when you make a movie dedicated to it, you have to realize that the people watching it are suspending their disbelief for entertainment purposes only. Using the TV to "see" the dead people was a stretch for me, but I was willing to believe that the TV could work in the same way as audio. Whatever.
However, the movie lost me at the end. As Michael Keaton got more and more into the whole EVP obsession thing, stranger and stranger and more violent things started to happen. However, right about the time that these "ghosts" ravaged his apartment, I completely lost interest in the movie.
And don't get me wrong. I love a ghost killer ghost story. Poltergeist is one of my all-time favorites. But I'm suspending my disbelief at the idea of ghosts inside radios, not REAL ghosts. See the difference? If their point was that, by examining the EVP the ghosts became real... well... I just can't buy that.
So Michael Keaton goes to a huge deserted warehouse for a grand finale, where he runs into another EVP investigator who has been possessed, as well as a kidnapped girl. This is where the movie really pissed me off. I could believe that this EVP investigator got so wrapped up in his obsession that he went nuts and started killing people. But then the ghosts got nasty and killed Michael Keaton. The only thing I could think was... if the ghosts could kill people on thier own, why did they possess this guy? What's the point? And if the ghosts are released by EVP, then why are their 3 seperate investigators in this flick? Wouldn't the first have released the ghosts to kill on their own, then they wouldn't need to come out via EVP anymore?
Hollywood, let's keep the ghost stories ghost stories and EVP stories as EVP stories. I would have liked the movie a thousand times better if investigating EVP made people insane and that made them kill other people. Their didn't need to be "real" ghosts in this movie.
But it pissed me off even more at the end, when dead Michael Keaton's voice spoke to his son in their minivan. Remember that part earlier in the movie where the expect in EVP said it was never "live", but had to be recorded and played back to hear it? Well, nevermind, it can actually come out live now apparently. Then the crippled lady turns her head quickly and its over. And why did she need to turn her head quickly? What was the point of that nonsense?
After the movie, I went home and took my standard Sunday night off from doing anything of any importance. It was fantastic.