I stayed home with my dog for a few hours last night before Alan called inviting me to Old Chicago. I considered backing out, but then I remembered my resolution to spend more time with friends and less at home. So I went. I stayed long enough to drink my...
So, the vacation was really excellent. I had a wonderful time, despite my near-sickness I had the entire time. Thursday after work, I had some packing to do and I did it feeling pretty crappy. I went and picked up Alan's car and picked up Mullens and...
Went to see Garden State last night, peeing no less than twice through the event and holding in the third occurance until after the movie ended. The movie was good in moments, funny in others, cliche in yet other, and tried really hard to be quirky in the...
I fulfilled a few of my goals already, heading to Jenny's barbeque and hanging out with a girl named Erin and another girl named Jenny, and the world's most boring man. It was a good time and I was home early enough to catch Road Rules. Tonight is Hoops...
So, an interesting development. To me, anyway. I, like most people on LJ, took that silly test a long time ago. A few weeks ago, I got an email from them that their whole service had opened up. Being newly single, I thought I'd fill out my...
You know, I had a much better summer last summer. This summer has been good and all, but not the blow-out fun and drinky and wonderful summer last summer was. In an effort to make the best of our last couple of summery days, here's a short list of what I'd...
So Friday after work I arrived late to Kouri's for lunch with Polk. Still, late is better than never (right, Wolfie?). It was a good lunch, cut short because Polk had to go do laundry. That night Angie and I met Anna and Mullens at JJ Ryans, then went on...
I saw Dayv last night when I took Alan dinner. He was dressed fancier than I was. So I get home and see dozens of massive mushrooms in my back yard. Dozens. And massive. They weren't there in the morning, but they were in the evening. Crazy. I kicked a...
First up, yesterday and the rain and the thunderstorms were awesome. Second up, my neighbors were having a moving sale for the entire weekend. I hope that this is really a moving sale and not just a "let's say moving sale instead of garage sale"...
I forgot to mention Mullens and I joking around about a somewhat trivial event that happened about 6 years ago. We were at Garners with Angie and Steph, eating pizza and watching TV. At one point, I took the parmesan cheese container under the table and...
Went bowling last night for the first time in a long time. I bowled an okay 135 followed by an embarassing score that will be left out of this here journal. Then we went to Monicals. Dayv's talk of a new car just makes me really want my own new car. It's...
So I went and saw Aliens VS Predator last night with John, and I'll cut my review because there will be a lot of spoilers, even though I know anyone interested in seeing the movie has already seen it. If this movie doesn't sweep the Oscars Titantic style,...
Ah, fun weekend, but busy, too. So Friday I get off work and meet Wolfie at my place. He treated me to lunch at Avanti's to thank me for all the hard work I was about to put into his car. So we eat and get some brake pads and go back to my place and start...
Hello, first ever filtered entry. I'd never bothered to set up filters until this very moment, and I've set this one to include everyone I know in real life, with the exception of Jaimee. The reason for that is because 1. It seems I don't really know her...
A long time ago, in a house not far away, there was a party. I, of course, was in attendance and, of course, relatively drunk. There was also a frat party going on next door, and a lot of girls were walking in wearing either very few or very small...
From now on, I will never go out without my own vehicle present. I'm getting sick and tired of people changing plans in the middle of the night, forcing me to either be somewhere I don't want to be or drive someone else's car home, making it a big event...
Last night I went to Richard's with Polk, where I had an amazing turkey and swiss sandwich and we talked about everything under the sun. It was a good night. After I got home, I remembered I needed some personal hygiene products, so Winnie and I started...
[here][1], and [here][2]. Very significant. [1]: [2]:
I took another step into adulthood yesterday. I bought a suit. I have a formal dinner/dance thing with my work on Friday and I didn't own a suit, had never bought one, and didn't know the first thing about buying one. Thankfully, the nice man at Men's...
[Wow. Just. Wow.][1] [1]: