
I can't believe

I can't believe no one else has posted any pics from Polk's photo party. How disappointing.

Polk and MrJim's

Polk and MrJim's photo party was a blast and a half. I took no less than 154 pictures through out the night, which can be viewed [here][1]. My personal favorites: [polk's conscience][2] [planet schwa's little bizarro head][3] [schwa has an idea][4]...

What great friends

What great friends I have. I came home from my birthday thing at my sister's house to find a gallon of orange juice in the refridgerator and a bottle of DayQuil next to a birthday cake that said "Happy 23rd + 1 birthday" on it on my dining room table. I...

happy birthday to me.

Today I'm finishing up the mural for that Swapping Spaces or whatever thing, then going out to my sister's house for my birthday dinner. Not to be picky or anything, but I didn't get to choose the restaurant. Or lack of restaurant. Nor did I choose the...

It's been a

It's been a big week for me, considering I'm unemployed and all. My dad has taken pity upon me once again and given me a job cleaning carbs for him. It's totally lame. I take them apart, bead blast them, wipe 'em down, paint 'em, and leave them for him to...

Yesterday was a

Yesterday was a fun, boring day. I went up to Fabish's, hung out, smoked a cigar, watched some Comedy Central, and went to a Chinese Buffet. Good times. We're starting to turn into old men.. or, some would say, we're already there. When we hang out, we...

Man. If I

Man. If I had it to do over again, I would have worked out with weights when I started the big weight loss program a year and a half ago. Sure, I've lost nearly 70 pounds, but damn... I notice more of a difference from the weight training over the past 6...

The meeting at

The meeting at PJS went well. Really well. I met some people who could possibly get me jobs in the future. The guy I was meeting had pretty much the awesomest job in the whole universe, but there's no openings in his department, nor will there be for quite...

Meeting at 2:00

Meeting at 2:00 at PJS, with a guy who is going to try to grease the 'ole wheels and get me a place in their New Media or Art Department. Sweet.

So here's a

So here's a funny story. My dad had told the story of what happened to me at Company X to one of his coworkers, who, in turn, told his son-in-law, who is also an artist/designer in Peoria. Apparently he didn't remember the name of Company X and only gave...

all dressed up and no where to go.

I was all excited to go to Oktoberfest last night, but alas, couldn't get a hold of MrJim on his cell phone. Angie and I had made back up plans because her date wasn't calling and I couldn't get a hold of the group I needed to get a hold of, but those fell...

So I ate

So, I ate lunch with my parents and had a big long talk about me, my life, my goals, etc. I said that this multimedia thing isn't working out for me. I already had, and quit, a position at one of the multimedia places in central Illinois I could work at,...

Goodbye, last 3 years of my life from the public.

Welcome to my first friends-only post in my friends-only journal. Even though this post is friends-only, I won't get into why. It's a lame story that doesn't matter. All I can say is thank God for blessings in disguise. I was depressed and upset about the...

Okay so this

Okay, so, this is a friends-only post. Basically, I didn't get the job at Pudik. And, basically, it's because of this here journal. And, basically, I'm extremely happy about not getting it, and surprisingly, am not depressed and realize it's all for the...

I talked to

I talked to Jack. Conversation was vague. Outlook looks good. Meeting at 2:00. I think I'm employed.

Oy. So. I

Oy. So. I don't know what just happened. I went to Pudik and talked to the owner of the company, who told me that if he had it his way, he would make me an offer today and have me start tomorrow. Unfortunately, they're too busy to hire someone new. Sort...

So I worked

So, I worked all day at Bibo's today, getting home at around 5:00. My answering machine was blinking. It was Jack Pudik, of Pudik Graphics, wanting to talk to me. I had almost gone home on my lunch break to check my messages, but convinced myself that...

So the days

So, the days are running together into 1 gloriously long TV show at this point, with brief commercial interruptions for working on refinishing my chairs. It's a wonderful life. Until around 3 PM, I thought today was Tuesday. I've been trying to keep...

I'm bored. I'm

I'm bored. I'm also becoming obsessed with reading journals on this here livejournal thing that piss me off. I don't know why. I'm up to three, count 'em, three LJs which piss me off due to their respective authors' crazy stupidity, and yet I read them...

So I've been

So, I've been psyching myself out of thinking I got the job at Pudik. I keep thinking... if it was good, I would have heard something. So today I gave in and called, asking what the story was. The receptionist said I needed to talk to David again, who was...