Well, I was setting everything up in my apartment yesterday. Just the little annoyances... plugging the phone in, setting up my speakers, that sort of thing. I'm still not getting a dial tone from all my outlets, but we're working on getting all the kinks...
My job has actually given me work to do today. Will wonders never cease? I still haven't heard back from the company that's supposed to give me a new job, and I emailed my career services department at my old school to see what the dilly was. Here's what I...
Tuesday is the big day. I finish moving out, and financial responsibility begins. But, I'm getting ahead of myself. Let's take it from Friday evening when I left you. I went home and did some packing on Friday, figuring I would pack until someone called...
Have you noticed something peculiar in my journal lately? Well, you need to pay more attention. I have never been a "deep" guy. I wish I was more in touch with my emotions, but I don't think I have those anymore. Well, this here journal you're reading...
I typed more stuff for the video department today, then opened images he's too stupid too open. I could do this junk when I was 14. Now at 21 I'm getting frustrated that people think I can't do anything else. I had this weird dream last night. I don't...
These happened on like Tuesday night, but for some unknown reason I didn't include them here. Oh well. Here goes. Tuesday was meant to be a night when I sat at home and did laundry and other things that need to be done. Well, I don't have any self control...
Work has actually given me stuff to do today. Amazing.... Granted, a lot of it is mindless busy work. This guy keeps coming to me to do graphic design stuff for the video department. It's monkey work, like "type this text as an overlay", which he could...
Last night I had a really bizarre dream. I don't remember much of it, except being in the back seat of my friend's car with this girl I knew from grade school who is this huge slut these days. We were just sitting back there talking, and all the sudden she...
it has come to my attention that XOOM sucks and displays my images here sporadically at best. Sometimes they work, most times they don't. Ah well... you'll have to go to my REAL page to see them I suppose.
all my pictures can be seen on the 'personal' section of my webpage, at [my webpage][1]. Or, you can just go [here][2] to get the pictures directly without any other nonsense. Also, as promised, here's some of my own personal favorite...
Man, I'm getting comments on this journal thing left and right. That's awesome. Keep 'em coming. A fellow Wasson left a comment with me, so I'm considering talking less about my beer drinking and strip club habits. She's probably not actually related to...
This weekend was way, way too short. Friday night we hit a frat party right down the street from a good friend of mine. It was a party for "scooters", which are potential freshmen. That's right... high schoolers. 17 and 18 year old girls who looked 14 or...
[][1] If you wanna take a look at what's been keepin' be busy in the past few days, there it is. Some stuff doesn't work, but it's getting there.Tell me what you think. Well, this weekend will be pretty...
Today has flown by. This productivity thing is was underrated. I just need to scan a few pictures and the page is complete. A few friends came by today to take me to lunch. I took an almost 2 hour break, got back, and hung out with my friends in the lobby...
I'm at work, but again, not working. Usually I've wasted my days by reading forums, but today I'm trying something different... ...I'm updating my webpage. Sure, not the most exciting way to spend a day, but being productive makes things go very quickly....
I check a few forums here from work since I don't have anything else to do. I checked them already, so I've done what I needed to do. The rest of my day will be spent updating my resume for a new job. Is it bad to do this while working at another company?...
SECTION 1: BASIC INFO 1. Full Name: Timothy Joseph Wasson 2. Nicknames: Tim, dude, Wass 3. Nationality: Mostly Swedish 4. Siblings: 1 sister, 24. 5. Girlfriend or Boyfriend: I wish. 7. Birthdate: October 3rd. 8. Screen Name(s): Wass, TheWass, wasson 9....
Well, I was just informed by 2 people that some animation jobs I had lined up will be at least delayed, if not cancelled. Sweet Jesus, give me something to do. So... big plans for tonight... A friend is having some people over to drink beer. I will be...
You know the best feeling in the world? Waking up, looking at the clock, and realizing you can sleep for another hour. I had that this morning, and that last hour of sleep is always the best. You know what I like best about that hour? First, you fall...
I've been reading about my name analysis, sign information, and horoscope lately. I don't know why... boredom maybe? I see a lot that applies to me. I don't know if this is because they're true, or because I'm trying very hard to make them applicable to...